

I want.....

hey amour walkers!!!
long time no see huh, it's been a veryveryveryveryveryvery hectic months for me after all
so now guesst what, if you notice this, you'll always wonder why do I use "ATMS" as my ID copyright
you guys wonder? you all wonder? really? wanna know it? you sure?
so... ATMS is an abbreviation of Akhirat, Technology, Music, and Sport. you can say... that ATMS is actually my goals and resolutions. simple isn't it? (simple to say, but hard to do) sometimes I wanna burst out laugh when people think ATMS is an abbreviation of my boyf (WTFFF??? BOYFFF??? i don'r even have one)
so let's check out what ATMS i mean...
Heaven (AMIIIN)
Techno (CompSci and Robotics)

Sport 2 (Aikido)

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