

Free Fall from the Sky to the Bottom of Deepest Cliff

what d ya think? I think it's the worst y know. i can say that im not satisfied with that one. my grade is fallindown. it's sick to know that actually i can do better. so i have to be better, study hard, get alim-er. maybe



wow. it has been 15 years since i was born. we can say that, today is my birthday yeeaaaayy happy birthday to meeee. but.............. Its the Worst Day Ever in my life


Something to Believe In

Something to Believe In, I got the inspiration from an music anime. it's all about music, especially violin. yes, the instrument i've been playing for about 6 years (but there's no such a significant progress of my violin skill >.<) what can i say? music, classical music, is a perfect way for us to express our feelings, our emotion, our mind, express all of the things inside of us. I don't even know why we-the-classical-music-player are mostly more sensitive and expressive than everybody else. and yap, it's because of our habit after all. ok enough with violin things so now that i'll tell you what's the main point

I can feel the real freedom of being a loner. it's much awasome than I thought before. I don't feel alone. I have my lovely classmates, my special 70 parteners, yes, we are the participant of Leadership Training in our school. Things changed a lot. and it's getting better I think. High School moment, it's time for us to find our real identity aka character. Being hypocrite doesn't mean that you're drama queen or king or somethin else. it's a way for us to adapt in such of situation and condition. so don't get it wrong okay? why did i write this? bcs there're lot of misunderstanding out there bout this 'adaptation way' moreover, high school time is an unstable moment for us. emotions' fluctuate, willing has the highest stage itself. thinking about future is keep stressing us down. yes, this is our play stage to encounter a little piece of real life. there'll be a looooooooooooot of problems out there waiting for us to overcome. and i guess, we have to be well-prepared for all sort of things if we wanna be a leader later.

Concluding of all of this, i just wanna say that being not-a-kid-but-not-yet-an-adult is not easy. problems starting to come toward us, so just keep believin in your deepest heart, be sure and confident that you can get all of the things done by your own power, be a rigid teenager would help you out of those problems, but don't forget that you're friends around you are ready to support you (maybe a few of them) ahhhaha sorry friends are just trap us in there deception, family support you the most :) and wish me luck for the violin, techno, and ice-skating! loveya readers!!!!