


Friday, the 27th
Gila, nyebelin bgt sumpah hari ini! tadinya gue ga niat buat lomba pidato, tapi tetep dipaksa ma SOSO, pdal mungkin lebih berwibawa! pidato gue tu ya.. kurang dari 2 menit, uda gitu bagian yang bagus kelupaan lagi, yang lebih parah kalo ternyata jurinyan tu PA AMIDI ma BU NISA!!!!! aduuhh, malu banget ga sihhh, diliat wali kelas sendiri! matti gua, ga peduli ah, juara berapa. soalnya gue beban ngebawa nama clabex, ntar kalo ga bagus ato ga menang dianggep gimana lagi gue... setress ahh, moreover, batik gua belum diwarnainnn, ah beban. udah ternyata kartul gue banyak yang salah lagi.belum dapet kabar dari om gue gimana yang bener!
*Tapi akhirnya gue menang lho hehe juara 1 pula xp



Omygooooddddddd!!!!!!!! I don't want to hear it. I don't want to know it, I don't want to insight this condition
Pa Uswa said that there will be a freshman from SURABAYA, the city my dad come from. hehe
I'm scared if he's as smart as my other friends, that's enough!!! this mess class is noisy enough, what if he passed the exam and join my class! cuih! 3 new person are enough to be a new member of CLABEX. I don't need anything more.. it's not called ana acceleration class that constain of sooo many students, I've got 25 friend already, I don't need 1 more for join inot my class, usppsss sorry, I thought that my words are so deeeeepppppp, , , ,, ,  but never mind
Hmmmm, the winner of Mas-mas and Mbak-mbak surabaya, what kind of guy is he? Handsome? Smart? Shame person? or BELAGU like kiki?! huh
Ihope he get in to smabel, not labschool's CLABEX of course, I don't think so hard about it, if he doesn't join into my class, he's smart certainly, but I hope he prefers to choose the regular one instead of the acceleration..
*ohya btw selamat hari Kartini :)*


Detik-Detik Maut

Friday, the 17th
Untung gue kartul uda selese, tapi gue ga pengen dapet 5 besar, masalahnya ntar disuruh presentasi. yang musti masuk tu yaaa.... -Eldisa -Soso -Fafa -Sarah, mreka2 pada disuruh presentasi, ga enak ya... tapi kalo bagi eldisa yang lancar ngomongnya mah nyante aja, hehe maap dis, daripada gue gampang nervous. hahaha-hehehe-hihi. alah gaje. tapi yang paling gue takutin sekarang tuh ulangan agama kemaren, tentang baba ga jelas itu, 4 bab lah pokoknya, gue banyak yang ga ngerti.. taulah paling remed, tapi moga kaga..